Animal Kingdom (working title) is a roguelike dungeon crawler I created to teach myself Godot, GDS, and coding in general. As the first thing I've ever coded, it's highly buggy, lacking almost every feature I would've liked to include, and hardly-even-a-game. I've paused development for now to focus on other projects.

That said, I felt like releasing a demo anyway. If you want to play around with a little dog (or moose!) that explores a dark dungeon, kills dudes, and picks up keys, fruits, and ducklings, please enjoy! 

Controls are styled after Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, and can be tricky if you're not used to roguelikes:

Left/Right: H/L

Down/Up: J/K

Up-Left/Up-Right: Y/U

Down-Left/Down-right B/N

Zoom in/out: X 

Change Character: Z or C (You can cheat by swapping back and forth to replenish your health.)

Holding Shift will cause the character to jump forward 4 tiles and, as of right now, teleport through walls...

That's pretty much it! Special thanks to Pedro Antonio (@peter_mx) for tutoring me in Godot, @KenneyNL for audio files, Virginia Gresham for her support, and to whomever made this spritesheet! (I have long lost the original download source -- if you know the artist, please message me so I can credit them!) 

Updated 3 days ago
Published 9 days ago
GenreRole Playing
Made withGodot
TagsDungeon Crawler, Roguelike


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Why use such shitty controls? lol How about simply WASD or arrow keys?

WASD and arrows both prevent you from being able to move diagonally- this layout is traditional to roguelikes and is common in the genre. I was considering adding arrow support for noobs but never got around to it lol


You can use WASD for up/left/down/right + QE for UP Left/Right and ZC for Down Left/Right, and X to Rest/Skip Turn. Then change your action keys to something comfortable for both control schemes.

And congratulations for the demo! Keep up the good work!


He's using vi keys. Most traditional RLs offer this control scheme as an option.


nice game